Finding magic in every day
There’s magic in every day
That no one tells you of
Secret stores of kindness
Of tolerance and of love
There’s magic in every day
That seems hidden all away
But it really is all out there
Just waiting for us to choose
There’s a magic in every day
In sight for all to see
To focus on and share
The joys in every way
Magic that we wish would happen
The castles in the air
The wondrous journey of adventures
Instant gratification everywhere
Is not quite the magic
The world presents at large
For what little do we know
Of things that we truly need.
They well and truly aren’t
The things we thought we did
There’s magic in every day
Of which I’ll tell you now
That toothless baby’s grin
And wondrous laughter’s din
There’s magic in every day
I’ll whisper in your ear
Of furry friends and plumes
And gorgeous nature’s blooms
There’s magic in every day
You will find it, if you look
For all the moments of kindness
Of tolerance and love too.
15 Jan 2020